

The biggest influence in a striking film is the performance of the talent (that's you!). It's sometimes hard to see for yourself what parts of your acting is working particularly well, and which parts could perhaps be changed to fit a little more cohesively. Having a second (or third or fourth) set of eyes the other side of the camera, directing and incentivising you can be priceless during the film making process.

Music Videos

As a musician myself, I understand that having a visual to go along with your music is almost as important as the music itself. When taking part in a Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) course a few years ago, we were asked the question, what are the top two search engines in the world? The first obviously being Google, and the second? YouTube. I know this to be true, as when I find a new band or musician, the first place I look for more of their content is YouTube. Having a visual presence is a great way to connect more personally with your fans, and give people an idea of the vibe you wish to portray.

While I do like to dip my toes into many different areas of any specific discipline, it's always best to try to specialise in a few things you are particularly passionate about. Here is a list of services I offer that I think come together to bring about a holistic approach to visual storytelling.

Video Editing & Colour Grading

After we have filmed your video, the next thing to do is to comp the best shots together, edit them into a cohesive storyline, and then my favourite part, colour grading! Colour grading has become a new passion of mine, and one that I like to take a good amount of time on. Working mostly in S-Log2, having an enormous dynamic range means I can really take the time to extract all the colour information I need out of our project together, and start to create the look for your vision. While a more natural vibe is possible, I definitely thrive the most when creating ultra stylised videos, akin to modern art films.

But wait... There's more?!

If there is something else in the realm of film you are interested in, perhaps cinematography that isn't a music video, a visualiser or a lyric video, then please get in touch. While I specialise in the above, I am happy to help in any way I can, and if I think I won't be able to acheive something, I might be able to point you in the direction of someone who can!

If after reading all this, you would like to work together, contact me now to get started on our journey together.

Visual FX

With a modest understanding of Blender, Unreal Engine, and After Effects, and a great understanding of chroma key and green/blue screen footage, if you wanted to explore the realms of visual FX, I am more than happy to help you get there. Compositing images together with virtual environments and background can be difficult, but the results can be mind shattering when it is done well.